*星星的心* my world,my little world: baking cake day

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

baking cake day

2day my fren,Wven come n bake cake in my house..bake a cake for her fren to celebrate birthday..hoho..cos i noe a bit bit how to bake cake so she wan me to teach her..(^_^)
start from around 11 smthg..we are baking blueberry cheese cake..wah..
she bring the ingredient then we start all the steps to bake a cheese cake.
afterthat we put the cake in the baker n we go out for a lunch..we cal our another fren Fang to come join us..cos she like to eat too..wahaha.
cheese cake need a long time to bake so we juz leave it there n go out..after we come bek the cheese cake is done..wah~wonderful smell leh..not bad not bad..1st time she bake the can get so nice result clap for her.."piak piak piak"
nice smell n nice taste(cos she bake two so we can try)
taking sm pic with the cake..

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